Urbaneer’s October 2015 E-Promo

Real Estate

Have you heard the rumours? They're all true! We take great joy and pride in publishing a monthly Urbaneer newsletter that you can subscribe to for the low, low price of… FREE!!

To give you a taste, here's what we explore in our October 2015 issue:

We like to begin by featuring our Homewatch newsletter, entitled, ''How to prepare your home for another Canadian winter”. In our country, the winter lasts for many long months, and it can come upon us unexpectedly; sometimes we have to break out the shovels in December, and sometimes flurries take us by surprise before Halloween. This month, our Homewatch post offers simple, achievable goals to help winterize your home before the first snow falls. Take care of your biggest asset and it will take care of you! In order to better share this pertinent information with you (an important part of Urbaneer's mandate), our Homewatch newsletters are also converted into a direct mail piece and delivered to around 40,000 Toronto households every month. It's part of our on-going marketing efforts that range from traditional print campaigns like advertising our Innovative Space ad in the Friday Globe and Mail (as we have done for over twenty years), along with our presence on Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Twitter.

Secondly, our October Dear Urbaneer series post is called, 'Dear urbaneer: Should I use my RRSP as a Down Payment?' In this topical finance piece, we respond to the following question: Dear urbaneer: As we embark on our house hunt, we are pretty solid on where we want to live and what sort of property features are on our wish list. Now we are moving on to the 'business' side of preparing for the house hunt-namely earmarking the funds for our down payment. We have some cash saved, but are considering dipping into our retirement funds (RRSP) to increase the down payment amount. What do you think we should do? Are we cutting ourselves short in our long term savings, just to get in today? Signed, Down Payment Dilemma.”  We found this question particularly relevantl this fall, given the rapidly escalating house prices in Toronto. The reality is that many house hunters are searching for ways to stretch their house dollars, in order to keep up with the breakneck pace and hopefully create an opportunity to break into the market. We love sharing our decades-worth of first-hand experience buying and selling Toronto real estate; whether these questions come from loyal clients, friends, or brand new acquaintances, urbaneer operates on the belief that every Torontonian deserves to be as informed as possible when it comes to embarking on their real estate journey. So ask us anything – we're here to help!

Each month we like to share the story of one of our dedicated Buyers and how their unique home-buying journey unfolded. After all, on top of the myriad of ever-changing market factors that contribute to the fluidity – and sometimes unpredictability – of Toronto's raging real estate market, even simple differences in Buyer tastes often to lead to wildly unique experiences. If you're a regular reader of these posts, you know that we count ourselves lucky to have guided a wide range of purchasers, including first-time and move-up buyers, down-scaling zoomers, investors, and people relocating to Toronto. In the October installment of our monthly Buy of the Month series, we focus on two Buyers who were dreaming of a real estate unicorn that has been a particularly elusive creature this fall: the detached home in the downtown core. In our opinion, we just aren't seeing nearly enough quality freehold housing stock coming to market this fall. Additionally, after our Buyers witnessed some precedent setting – and somewhat shocking – sales, and even pulling the plug bidding on some potential contenders that weren't quite right, they suddenly stumbled upon a fresh listing that got their hearts racing! To read the full story and peruse some photos of their fantastic new home, tune in to our October newsletter or our blog!

As realtors, writers, and avid social media participants – not to mention lovers of all things real estate – our urbaneer team shares about 5 blogs a week and regularly introduce new listings – as much as possible to keep our resources fresh. This month our readers showed the most interest in our piece, “A Luxe Leslieville Semi is the Globe and Mail’s Home of the Week!” (It did come with stunning photos, after all!) Once again, we were extremely fortunate to have another of our unique urban spaces for sale chosen as the Globe and Mail's Home of the Week! We always work closely with the media to promote our clients' properties for sale, but we felt especially proud to show the world the completely gutted and renovated semi-detached beauty on Louvain Avenue. And while this sun-drenched, turn-key Leslieville home already enjoys the advantage of marrying a sought-after downtown location with premier quality and value, there's no doubt that the Globe's support helped it to sell for over asking just a week later! You can now find it under 'Sold' on our Listing page. Woohoo!

Another of our most-read posts was the latest installment of our periodic information series, Tales from the Real Estate trenches, entitled, “Thanksgiving Gratitude from the Toronto Real Estate Trenches“. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, as we counted our blessings (but not our numerous helpings of a delicious family feast), we also reflected on our recent experiences in the thick of Toronto's exceptionally competitive market. We are firm believers that we grow as people and realtors, as much from the letdowns as we do from the successes. Not to mentions that certain transactions and relationships are simply meant to be! Therefore, in this particular piece, we hope our ruminations offer some useful insight, support, a strategy for success, or, simply, calm and reassurance. Feeling overwhelmed? Give one of us a call!

And don't miss the sensational unique urban homes listed for sale or lease here on our site for your consideration!

We LOVE Toronto real estate!

So as promised, here is Urbaneer’s October 2015 newsletter!

And please remember, we are always here to help!

steven and the urbaneer team
   we're here to earn your trust, then your business.

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