Urbaneer’s June 2019 E-Promo

Real Estate

*Did you know we publish a monthly newsletter that you can subscribe to for FREE? Just click the link at the bottom of this post!*


If you’re looking for up-to-date commentary on the current climate and trajectory of the Toronto Real Estate Market, bookmark the Urbaneer Blog! We’ll keep you informed!
Here is what you’ll find inside our June 2019 E-Newsletter:



First, we share our Homewatch News contribution, ‘How To Navigate A Move Up The Property Ladder‘. Clearly, the madness of the property market in Toronto over the past decade has, among other things, changed the shape and direction of the traditional property ladder. With rising prices, a lack of available stock, along with demographic pressure (i.e. Baby Boomers not vacating their homes at the same rate as first-timers are trying to get a foothold in the market), we’ve collectively had to rethink the progression of property ownership. That said, even with this shift (and depending on your individual situation), now may be the ideal time to make your play up the ladder in a more traditional climb. Additionally, there are certain criteria that all potential property ladder climbers should determine before they make their move up. Our Homewatch Newsletters specifically isolate content from our informative blog and our growing social media presence on Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Twitter, that directly address the homeownership experience, particularly what follows after a completed real estate transaction: the ‘living’!

Each month we share the tale of what one of our buyers have recently purchased in our Home of The Month feature. In this installment, we follow the daughter of long-time urbaneer clients, as she searches for her first home in Toronto. Given she had witnessed first-hand her parents efforts to secure property near Bloor and Christie two-years-earlier – who locked down a house by bidding 34% over the list price with a bully-offer (that unravelled into a bidding war within 24 hours of coming to market) – she was already primed for the intensity endemic to specific freehold housing properties in the central core of the city. Check out the story here!

June’s installment of our Dear Urbaneer series is entitled, ‘Dear Urbaneer: How Can Millennials Possibly Afford To Buy Real Estate?‘  This time around, the question came from one of our millennial house hunters who is wondering how (and if) she’ll ever be able to become a homeowner:  “I’m getting close to 30 and I’d always set home ownership as one of my goals, having watched my parents done well in the real estate market. However – and I know I am not alone in this – it feels like homeownership is an impossible dream for my generation. Especially in Toronto, where housing is so expensive! How are millennials getting their feet into the homeownership pool?” Pop over to this piece for our response!

Urbaneer team posts a bunch of blogs each week, where we share our love of all things real estate and Toronto! According to Urbaneer.com’s monthly statistics, our most read blog was ‘Single And Home Hunting In Toronto‘. This piece focuses on the rise of single-person households in Canada. Whether from divorce, death, or by choice, single households now outnumber other demographic groups and have doubled in the last 35 years. There are several associated trends that accompany an increase in singletons. Today, women are having fewer children, and are choosing to have them later in life. Moreover, the median age of a person’s first marriage is increasing. According to a 2017 report from the Pew Research Center, among those who have never married, most say they are open to a life partner but are in no rush to find them. So how does this affect the real estate market? Is a single individual’s homebuying journey different from the norm? Read on to find out!

The second most popular post was ‘Toronto’s Booming Technology Economy And Our Real Estate Market‘.  As the globe shifts into one firmly rooted in the new post-industrial economies, Toronto is increasingly a hot spot for tech development and investment, mostly because we’re on the zeitgeist of everything NOW. We’re young, liberated, progressive, inclusive, tolerant, multi-cultural, forward-thinking, engaged, polite, respectful, competitive, fair and on the cutting edge of mood. Go Toronto!

Browse the June 2019 Newsletter here!


And – for lovers of unique urban spaces – don’t miss our sensational Toronto real estate listed for sale or lease on our site for your consideration!

We LOVE Toronto real estate!


Steven and the Urbaneer Team
Bosley Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage • (416) 322-8000
http://www.urbaneer.com • info@urbaneer.com


*Like what you’ve read? Did you know we were recently listed as one of The Top 25 Toronto Real Estate Agents To Follow On Twitter! and The Top 50 Blogs On Toronto? Consider signing up in the box below to receive our FREE monthly e-newsletter on housing, culture and design including our love for unique urban homes and other Toronto real estate!

*Love Canadian Housing? Check out Steve’s Student Mentorship site called Houseporn.ca which focuses on architecture, landscape, design, product and real estate in Canada!


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