Urbaneer’s November 2013 E-Promo

Did you know we publish a monthly e-promo that you can subscribe to for FREE?

In this month's issue you can read our newsletter on the Fall 2013 Real Estate Forecast – Part Two which examines the dynamics of Toronto's real estate market. We also showcase what our 'Parents-To-Be' purchased for $629,100 – along with the hysterical tale of how the competing realtor blew a gasket in the midst of the bidding war- in our November Home Of The Month post featuring an immaculate but 'taste specific' semi-detached post-war house in the Danforth Coxwell neighbourhood.

We also link to our 'Dear Urbaneer' post, where we tackle the question “Are you North, South, East or West of Yonge & Bloor?“. In it we navigate how we all end up choosing one or two of these quadrants to reside in based on our own particular needs, wants and wishes. For anyone relocating to Toronto, starting with Yonge & Bloor as the epicentre of our eventual housing choice strikes us as a natural starting point. In this post, we offer advice for a young family relocating from Vancouver.

Did you see Doc Zone's 'The Condo Game'? Just as Toronto was applying political band-aids on the burn marks of humiliation for the appalling circus antics of Mayor Rob Ford, the CBC aired a scorcher of an expose on the political economy of Toronto's condominium market. This documentary explored the profiteering of developers who build 'cheap' super towers that serve not buyers, but the international commodities market with zero regard for the integrity of their product, how the Province's Ontario Municipal Board operates using an approvals process that offers zero socio-economic benefit to the local community, and the struggles of Toronto's Planning Department operating amidst our ill-conceived amalgamation of six municipalities dating from 1998. We include a link for your viewing enjoyment.

Finally, in this edition we also share our latest press in Toronto Life featuring a panoramic penthouse – along with links to our past pieces that rift off of Toronto Life's real estate features.

Click HERE to see this month's issue!

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And please remember we're always here to help!

~ Steven and the urbaneer team

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Urbaneer’s 2013 Fall Forecast – Part Two
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