Our Urbaneer Insider

Left In The Dust

College Street / Little Italy
Last week I had a beautiful floor-to-ceiling bookshelf nine feet tall installed in my study. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but in the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve never completely unpacked my book and cd collection in over the decade I’ve lived here. Now I finally can. I derive no…
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Good Times, New York Times

Years ago, I told my friends that one day I would gain mention in the New York Times. Despite their heckle and jeering, and never having lived in New York, it’s reassuring to know the universe takes note of the little things we hope to manifest. Here’s our most recent…
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Home Is Where My Heart Lives

When you’re buying a place as your personal residence, it’s extremely important you purchase a property that feels just right, one with an emotional resonance that says “Hey, you belong here!” Beyond the location parameters, spatial criteria and functional needs with which most buyers limit themselves, take a moment to…
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Gentrification In The City

Homewatch Newsletter Archive
Have you ever noticed how some neighbourhoods suddenly transform from a plain unimaginative enclave into the new hot trendy area with sky-rocketing property values? And how is it that in the course of a few years a neighbourhood once renown for it’s Italian shoe stores can become home to the…
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What Is Your Home Worth Today?

Homewatch Newsletter Archive
Have you ever wondered why your bank’s appraiser set the value of your property far lower than you thought fair? Or had your insurance company offer a policy that barely covers your decade’s worth of improvements ? And how come those values seem so different from the sale price your…
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What Does Your Home Say About You?

Homewatch Newsletter Archive
Have you ever walked down the street looking at houses and wondered, “Who lives there?”. Casual observations of the style of the house, its condition, and landscaping can reveal several clues about its residents. And the objects around the property, like a flag hung over the front porch, bikes tethered…
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Toronto – City of Neighbourhoods

Homewatch Newsletter Archive
Embrace the City of Toronto, the City that works! And more recently, a place of international admiration for being a City of Neighbourhoods—a diverse collection of small communities, each with its own unique imprint, identity and flavour, spread across the city’s inner core and outer fringes. Home buyers are increasingly…
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