I know, moving isn’t fun for anyone. In fact, I’m one of those realtors who can keep calm, carry on guiding other people through the stress of relocating yet practically falls apart when undertaking it himself. I loathe it. Especially when it takes four days to complete!
Yesterday the movers came, loaded up the truck, and delivered the bulk of its contents to my two hundred square foot storage space that will now serve as the location for urbaneer.com’s Style Enhancement inventory. This is a container of all things pretty, both big and small, for those properties that require a little lip gloss and rouge prior to coming to market. Fortunately it wasn’t super daunting as several pieces are in my new “Behold My College Sweetheart” listing that just came to market for an affordable $269,900 this week. Click HERE to check it out!
Today was the day where I had all the computer and media equipment moved to the nearly-but-not-quite-complete Movie House loft ready for the cable and internet company to activate the service while the tech guys got everything magically working. It never occurred, mostly for some trouble accessing the building’s common area where the cable switch presumably lay. It could take a few days to get operating, so you may see me running to Splish Splash on College Street to use their internet and printing service. Oh, and their laundry service. I can see a big box containing a washer and dryer in the basement but the installation is delayed. Sigh. Thank goodness the building has a Starbucks with free wi-fi. I’m currently posting this blog while drinking my tenth coffee to keep my moving momentum er, moving.
To compound my stress, it was only at 7pm today that four of my five my custom built-in closets were completed, which means my evening will be spent driving back and forth with clothing. I’m one of those guys who just lays everything on a hangar on the back seat of my vehicle, and then pops out and runs it all inside to hang on the rods. Seriously, if I can avoid packing it I will. Unfortunately, one built-in never got, er, built-in. In fact, I had it disassembled on the spot. Somehow it got designed wildly different from the specifications my designer and I had originally agreed upon and I instantly hated it as it was being installed. Too large for the space and overwhelming in its dark stained oak finish. I was annoyed, but then became aggravated by my own incessant whining. There’s nothing classy about a guy whining.
Note to Self:
Tomorrow the cable and internet company are scheduled to return to The Movie House loft, though it happens to be within the exact three hour time frame the movers are supposed to turn up at the residence I’m exiting. This will be Day 3 of the move, where all the home furnishings that will take up residence in my new home get delivered. I’m already stressed and tomorrow hasn’t even arrived! Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly. I’ll be back soon…thank you for your patience…and send prayers to the gods of moving for me k?
Stay tuned for more Renovating The Movie House Loft in Toronto, Ontario, Canada!
~ Steven and the urbaneer team
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Renovating The Movie House Loft