Love Letter To A Realtor


Ok, so this isn’t a love letter in the true sense, though an argument can be made it is given how much we’re married to our passion for all things real estate. Regardless, here’s a sweet note from one of’s clients that simply makes us glow.



We wanted to take the opportunity to thank you (once again). It’s been 2 years and every day our place is still a gift to us (and no, it’s not because it has appreciated a ridiculous amount 😉

We went looking for a house and you found our home. The difference between the two is hard to articulate. And it is your gift.

We keep recommending you to people like we’re some kind of gushing, pushy parents who knows what’s best for their kids but it’s hard not to. Whenever we hear other buyers and sellers in the market relate a story about their process we feel so fortunate to have worked with you. And that’s not even mentioning all the tremendous help you’ve extended to us after we purchased our place.

Everyone tosses the words “blessed” and “grateful” in every sentence like they’re verbal croutons these days, but we feel both when we consider how lucky we are to have worked with you.  You are an expert in your field, have an empathy and facility with people, and truly have a gift for what you do.

If you ever need a reference for anyone please don’t hesitate to ask.

Big love,

Matt & Della


A big thanks to Matt and Della, and all of our clients, for entrusting us to help you find your Homes!

We LOVE what we do, and consider ourselves most fortunate.


~ Steven and the urbaneer team


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