How Green Does Your Garden Show?

House And Home, Real Estate

As a realtor operating in both the freehold and condominium markets, one shortfall a lot of sellers make is investing insufficient capital and landscape design elements to showcase their outdoor space.

Whether you have a small patio or a private backyard, homeowners would be wise to capitalize on the selling opportunities present in their outdoor living space. Be it seating, a barbecue, water feature or lush plantings to soften the hard surfaces of most urban settings, maximizing your outdoor space is key to generating Top Dollar. 

After all, we Torontonians crave light and fresh air, especially when our harsh winters limit our exposure to the natural elements for as long as six months a year. So as spring unfurls, the time is now to remind buyers about the gentle great outdoors and help them visualize the outdoor social events and lazy summer afternoons that could (and will) happen in your well-presented outdoor living space. 

But first – and I promise this will make sense shortly – I want to showcase Thingmaker Dave Hind for the sensational ten foot high Hand Sculpture he made for my loft in The Banquet Hall nearly 15 years ago back in 2000, shown in the photo below. No matter where I transport it, it transforms my space. See how fantastic it looked in My Button Factory Loft (middle photo) back in 2010. And I included a close up snap of it during Holiday in my Movie House loft where I currently reside.

Why? Because I admire Dave so much I commissioned him to create the privacy screens for my outdoor patio in The Movie House.


As a second segue – yet back to the topic of utilizing your outdoor space to its highest purpose and greatest good – here's some photos of my former 15 x 25 foot garden in The Button Factory – located in my first conversion where I not only helped transform this former uniform factory into a creative community as a member of the development team – but designed and built my own Dream Home in one of the 13 factory slice shells featuring brick-walled gardens.

I still pinch myself for having the good fortune of being able to express my creative self in the shelter industry. And, better still, for being able to collaborate with my dear friend, landscape architect Dan Nuttall, in elevating my city gardens. Here's what we did to optimize The Button Factory's outdoor space:



More recently, for the street facing patio at my Movie House loft, I enlisted Dave to create the privacy screens and Dan to implement the rest. Having dimensions of just 11 x 11 feet – the patio serves as a seasonal entry when snow and sleet don't require me to use my common hall entrance, and provides a surprisingly tranquil, private and rather magical escape relaxing under a canopy of mature Maple trees through the changing seasons.

Here's a couple of photos of the screens Dave Hind made from recycled aluminum siding


And here's Dan's summary on the landscape program.



You don't have to have a large space to make an impact, and a refuge. The savvy seller knows that investing in your outdoor space assures you a solid return on investment!

~ Steven and the urbaneer team

House And Home
Real Estate

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