High Low Style


Yes, even as a housing pundit ranting about real estate, design and the horrors of house flippers, I don’t believe a property has to be fitted from top to bottom with high end furnishings. Anyone can mix and match with high and low end pieces and still achieve a great look that can prevent it from being ‘too precious’. Communicating your ‘Personality’ is not a function of how much money you have.

Recently I bought a pair of gorgeous 1940s leather bureau chairs from Troy at Caviar20. You can see them to the left in the photo above, or click HERE to read my past ‘I Got Wood’ post about their acquisition and the story behind some of my own style evolution. I love these two chairs but as someone who loves to cook and gather people round his table (one of my pair of white dining tables isn’t showing in this photo as it’s currently holding court in one of our most recent fab Sky Loft listing), I needed more seating and was on the look out for something light and transparent.

Well, leave it to the Style Mavens at Ikea to have these amazing chrome and acrylic dining chairs for the low price of $89. I now have four of these in my possession ready for my next dinner fete.

How amazing are these?

Sometimes I’m ok with ‘I See Ya, Ikea’. And sometimes I’m not. Click HERE for a past post on the risks of renovating your kitchen using IKEA, and ways to make it work.

~ Steven

City Living
House And Home
Real Estate
Renovating The Movie House Loft

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