I just can’t get enough of Troy Seidman’s delicacies at Caviar20.com.
The other day I was perusing Troy’s website and the perfect pair of bureau chairs popped off the page and into my living room. I love the 1940s vibe with their curved lines, the patina of the worn leather, and their easy-to-move weight. After all, I’m essentially baby-sitting them until they head off to one of urbaneer.com’s latest Style Enhancements. These little tush cushions are definitely going to be head turners in an urbaneer.com listing. But which one?
Do you like? Troy has another pair for one lucky buyer! Tell him urbaneer.com sent you k?
This isn’t the first time I’ve bought something from Caviar20. Click HERE to see the breath-taking sculpture I purchased from him in December! Gorgeous!
City Living