Bay Street Is The Financial Capital Of Toronto Real Estate

City Living, Real Estate

At urbaneer, we’re kind of real estate matchmakers in a sense; we strive to determine exactly what will delight our clients most when they select not only where they will live, but how they will live. It is this intuition and keen understanding of 'needs' and 'wants' that make us successful (and fulfilled!) realtors! After all, just as your homeownership experience will spread far beyond the walls of your new Dream Home, the neighbourhood and community that you reside in will filter back through those same walls and permeate all aspects of your daily life.

Bosley Real Estate, whom we are a proud division of, has just debuted another neighbourhood video to add to their stellar collection. These videos provide valuable real estate and amenity information to those seeking to buy in Toronto, and are of great assistance in deciding which pocket of our city would best suit them. In fact, we love them so much that we use them to enrich our own comprehensive Neighbourhood Pages!

Did you know our popular blog and newsletter campaigns guide Buyers on the importance of finding the right neighbourhood?

Check out the City of Neighbourhoods, and Are You North, South, East, or West? as two of our examples!


Real estate is a multi-faceted experience that involves engagement on sensory, intellectual and emotional levels. In fact, those are some of the reasons why we are such fans of multimedia, especially as it relates to creating an understanding of neighbourhood atmosphere or providing a snapshot of what life would be like as a member of a given community. Toronto, as you know, is a city of neighbourhoods, where there is a patchwork of lifestyle, options and unique amenities. Part of our service at urbaneer is an understanding of what makes each of these neighbourhoods tick, and what amenities might be most appealing to a particular homeowner.
Please know we are here to help!

~ Steven and the urbaneer team

We specialize in the purchase and sale of Toronto real estate, including our love for unique urban spaces. Consider signing up in the box below for our FREE monthly newsletter on housing, culture and design!

City Living
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The Good Neighbour Espresso Bar in The Junction