Dear Gentle Reader,
Hello, friend! I know I’ve been a bit quiet lately but I have missed you. We need to talk about something awkward and I hope you’ll hear me out.
I am very aware there is a finite window of time when calling one’s self a newlywed transitions from charming to insufferable. I’ve hypothesized that the period of time is approximately 2 years, but that’s not a scientific assessment; it’s entirely based on when I, myself, start to get annoyed at other people on Facebook discussing their weddings (and using the word “hubby”- UGH).
I’m staring down my fourth anniversary in a few months so…yeah…this is awkward. I figure I get a little leeway for, what I consider to be, my ‘general adorableness’, but I’m definitely pushing the boundaries of the newlywed label. I’ve very much enjoyed my time waxing poetic on topics such as wedding budgets (ignored or otherwise), de-cluttering a deux and celebrating your style as a couple but it is most definitely time for a change.
Luckily, it has been a major season of change in this former newlywed’s life. The biggest little development is this guy:
Photographer: Catherine Cachia
…and buying a roof to put over his teeny little head. Actually, he is kind of a giant so it’s a good thing we have more space!
In short, I have been a bit pre-occupied with creating a tiny human, working in our crazy market, buying a house and moving. I firmly believe I officially have a sort of decent-ish excuse for not submitting enough blogs (Right, Steve? Please don’t fire me). Oh, and puking. So. Much. Puking. It was a hell of a combination!
It’s been an insane time so I have lots to discuss. I look forward to sharing with you a few of the big changes in my life and revisiting some of the newlywed-specific topics that I promised to write about AGES ago. Stick around – I’ve got some good tales to tell.
~ Kellye MacMillan, Realtor & Guest Writer
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*Have you seen the newest site of Urbaneer’s purveyor Steven Fudge? It’s called, and it his Student Mentorship site on Canadian architecture, landscape, design, products and real estate!
City Living
Kellye The Newlywed