Analysis: The Buyers are Back, Canada Housing Market Defies Doomsayers


I enjoy giving interviews

As a housing pundit who pretty much always has something to say, and who loves sharing his knowledge and insight, half the fun of any interview is seeing what ends up being translated from the spoken word to the final article.

Last week I received a call from Andrea Hopkins who writes for Reuters. She was writing an article on the Canadian Real Estate market, which is an extremely challenging topic at the best of times.

After all, an expansive country home to a relatively small population has not one singular housing market, but many. From coast to coast are multiple fractured marketplaces, each oscillating under dynamics unique to their region or place, based both on the synergies of their own economic engines. How much (if any) international capital and investment is flowing through factors in as well.

These are broad reasons for why Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax, and their encompassing landscapes, have real estate markets each to their own.

However, they do share one commonality – a singular national economic fiscal policy. Wherever you are in Canada, the lending qualification criteria, mortgage interest rates, and amortization periods are the same. And right now, it’s playing a big role in our marketplace.

After a chatty 30 minute interview I was interested to see what words would make it to print. So when I discovered it got pared down to one paragraph I was a little bit crushed. However, this is a well-written article that offers a comprehensive view on how Canada’s housing market is faring.

You can click HERE to read the article. It’s informative.

– Steven and the urbaneer team

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